Unforgettable italian songs of the past
380 interpreters and 2329 songs translated into english

Tanti Auguri a Te

Sing: Zecchino d'Oro
Authors: Mildred J. Hill - Patty Smith Hill - 1893

  • Tanti Auguri a TeZecchino d'Oro
  • Sing: Zecchino d'Oro
    Authors: Mildred J. Hill - Patty Smith Hill - 1893
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Tanti Auguri!

Tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a tutti,
tanti auguri per te.

Tanti auguri a papà,
tanti auguri a mammà,
tanti auguri a tutti,
sogni lieti così.

Tanti auguri,
tanti auguri,
tanti auguri,
tanti auguri.

Tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a tutti,
tanti auguri per te.

Tanti auguri a papà,
tanti auguri a mammà,
tanti auguri a tutti,
sogni lieti così.

Tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a te,
tanti auguri a tutti,
tanti auguri per te.



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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to all,
happy Birthday to You.

Happy birthday to dad,
happy birthday to mum,
happy birthday to all,
so happy dreams.

Happy Birthday,
happy Birthday,
happy Birthday,
happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to all,
happy Birthday to You.

Happy birthday to dad,
happy birthday to mum,
happy birthday to all,
so happy dreams.

Happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to You,
happy Birthday to all,
happy Birthday to You.


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