Unforgettable italian songs of the past
379 interpreters and 2315 songs translated into english


( Sing: Alfredo Clerici )
( Authors: Klose - Lukesch - 1941 )

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Senti amor, oh Violetta,
senti ancor la mia canzon.
Vuoi venir nella gondola,
noi andrem lontan sul mar.

Senti tu la mia canzone,
essa chiama il tuo amore
ed essa dice: "Vien da me
qui sul cuor".

Oh mia Violetta!
Oh mia Violetta!
Non far soffrire questo cuor
ch'è per te.

Noi andrem sulla gondola
e lontan ti amerei.


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Hear love, oh Violet,
you still hear my song.
Do you want to come in the gondola,
we will go far on the sea.

You hear my song,
it calls your love
and she says, "Come to me
here on the heart ".

Oh my Violetta!
Oh my Violetta!
Not to hurt the heart
that's for you.

We will go on the gondola
and far away I would love you.

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