Unforgettable italian songs of the past
380 interpreters and 2329 songs translated into english
  • Ave MariaDaniela Stigliano
  • Sing: o soprano Daniela Stigliano
    Author: Franz Peter Shubert - 1825
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Ave Maria, Vergin del ciel,
Sovrana di Grazia e Madre Pia
deh, accogli ognor la fervente preghiera,
non negar a questo straziato mio cuor
tregua al suo dolor.

Sperduta l'alma mia ricorre a Te
e pien di speme si prostra ai Tuoi piè
ti invoca e attende che Tu le dia
la pace che solo Tu puoi donar.
Ave Maria.


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Hail Mary, Virgin of the sky,
Sovereign of gratitude and loving mother,
Accept my fervent prayer:
Do not refuse, this tormented my heart;
Give respite to pain!

My scattered soul turns to you,
And full of repentance falls humbly at your feet,
Invoking you, and waiting that You'll give him
the peace that only you can give.
Hail Mary.

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